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The name and bank details of a person/entity receiving a payment.

input ClientPaymentAuthorizationRequestCreateBankBeneficiaryInput {
name: String!
bankId: BankBeneficiaryBankId!
accountNumber: String!
accountType: AccountType!
beneficiaryType: BankBeneficiaryType!
reference: String!


name ● String! non-null scalar

Name of the person/entity who will receive the payment/s

bankId ● BankBeneficiaryBankId! non-null enum

Bank of the person/entity who will receive the payment/s

accountNumber ● String! non-null scalar

Account number of the person/entity who will receive the payment/s

accountType ● AccountType! non-null enum

The type of a bank account. Usually indicates the intended purpose of the account

beneficiaryType ● BankBeneficiaryType! non-null enum

The beneficiary type i.e public beneficiary or private

reference ● String! non-null scalar

The reference will appear on the beneficiary's statement