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Details required to identify the authorized user.

input ClientPaymentAuthorizationRequestCreatePayerInput {
name: String!
email: EmailAddress
phoneNumber: String
reference: String!
identityNumber: String
passportNumber: String
accountNumber: String
restrictPayerBank: PayerBankId
payerId: String
payerCreatedDate: String
businessRegistrationNumber: String


name ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the user

email ● EmailAddress scalar

Email address of the user. Either email or phone number must be supplied.

phoneNumber ● String scalar

Phone number of the user. Either email or phone number must be supplied.

reference ● String! non-null scalar

The reference will appear on the payer's statement

identityNumber ● String scalar

South African Identity number of the user. Either identity number or account number must be provided for CapitecPay

passportNumber ● String scalar

Unique government issued identifier for the user

accountNumber ● String scalar

Account number of the user making the payment. Either identity number or account number must be provided for CapitecPay

restrictPayerBank ● PayerBankId enum

Optional BankId used to restrict the bank a user may pay from.

payerId ● String scalar

The client's internal identifier for the user.

payerCreatedDate ● String scalar

The date when the user account was created with the client

businessRegistrationNumber ● String scalar

The user's business registration