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Details required to initiate an authorized payment.

input UserInitiatePaymentInput {
amount: MoneyInput!
expireAt: Date
payerReference: String
beneficiaryReference: String
externalReference: String
merchant: String
payerInformation: PayerInformationInput


amount ● MoneyInput! non-null input

expireAt ● Date scalar

Optional Date (ISO 8061) input used to set an expiry on a payment

payerReference ● String scalar

Optional payment reference that will appear on the user's statement

beneficiaryReference ● String scalar

Optional payment reference that will appear on the beneficiary's statement

externalReference ● String scalar

Optional reference field that will be present with the redirect query parameters when the payment is completed

merchant ● String scalar

The name or unique identifier for the merchant

payerInformation ● PayerInformationInput input

KYC information for the payer