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input DebicheckCollectionInput {
collectionFrequency: DebicheckCollectionFrequencyEnum!
collectionDay: Int
instalmentAmount: MoneyInput
maximumCollectionAmount: MoneyInput
firstCollectionDate: String
firstCollectionAmount: MoneyInput


collectionFrequency ● DebicheckCollectionFrequencyEnum! non-null enum

collectionDay ● Int scalar

A number for the day of the week, or a day of the month, as per the frequency selected in the 'collectionFrequency' field. Weekly: 1 = Monday, to 7 = Sunday Fortnightly: 1 = Monday, to 7 = Sunday (first week). 8 = Monday, to 14 = Sunday (second week). Monthly: 1 - 30 Quarterly: 1 - 30, or 99 = last day BiAnnually: 1 - 30, or 99 = last day Adhoc: once a month. 1 = the last Monday, to 6 = last Saturday. 7 = first Monday, to 12 = first Saturday. 14 = 2nd last day. 99 = last day.

instalmentAmount ● MoneyInput input

This field is required if debitValueType is 'fixed', or 'variable'. Must be less than or equal to 'maximumCollectionAmount'

maximumCollectionAmount ● MoneyInput input

If 'debitValueType' is 'usageBased', this value can not be greater than 500,000.00 If 'debitValueType' is 'variable' or 'fixed', this value can not be greater than 1.5 times the 'instalmentAmount'

firstCollectionDate ● String scalar

The date for the first collection against the mandate. This date will differ from the recurring date specified by the 'collectionDay' field. If this value is provided, the 'firstCollectionAmount' is also to be provided. To be provided in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

firstCollectionAmount ● MoneyInput input

The amount to be collected first against the mandate. This amount will differ from the recurring collection specified by the 'instalmentAmount' field. If this value is provided, the 'firstCollectionDate' is also to be provided.