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Card payment methods provide easy ways to accept payments online. Card is a versatile payment primitive, and can be used to build experiences such as checkout flows, peer-to-peer payments, e-wallets, investment products, and more.

Stitch facilitates multiple methods of accepting Card payments:

  • Once-off card payments, via a hosted UI or secure API flow. Merchants can create payment requests or receive authentication URLs that allow users to enter their cardholder details and complete any further interaction or authorization (if required), such as 3DS.
  • Payments using tokenization, whereby you, the merchant, receive a token after the user consents. Subsequent transactions may then be charged directly via API using this token, to facilitate recurring payment use-cases.

For each of these methods, Stitch supports various ways to integrate into your platform:

  • The Stitch-Hosted UI by Stitch offers several advantages: With Stitch handling high security and PCI compliance, you can ensure robust transaction protection. This option also allows for quick implementation with reduced technical maintenance. This approach is ideal when you prioritize security and ease of implementation, have limited development resources, and require a rapid time-to-market solution.
  • The Secure API integration provides full control over the payment process and customization, ensuring a seamless user experience without redirects. This option is suitable when you require full control and are able to capture and maintain card details as a PCI-compliant entity. It is also ideal if you require a fully branded user experience that aligns to your business needs and customer preferences.