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Card Configuration

Before any Card payments may be made through Stitch, the below information must be provided

Settlement and Merchant ID Information

Should Stitch be initially receiving card funds for you, your bank account details are required for Stitch to settle successful and confirmed payments to you, daily.

Alternatively, if you have an existing relationship with an acquiring bank, Stitch requires your Merchant ID and Terminal ID for the corresponding acquiring account. In this scenario, your acquirer will settle the funds directly into your account.

3D-Secure Enforcement

3DS verification is enforced on the first transaction per card, by default. For subsequent transactions, the following dynamic 3DS configuration options are available. The 3DS enforcement decision is surfaced in the response and corresponding webhook.

AlwaysEnabled for all transactions.
Once-offEnabled for all once-off transactions i.e. non-tokenized cards. 3DS is disabled for recurring payments.
First PaymentEnabled for the first transaction, and disabled for all subsequent transactions.
VolumeEnabled for every Nth transaction where 3DS was skipped on the previous successful transactions.
Minimum ValueEnabled for every transaction that is greater than or equal to a specific amount.
3DS Rule Evaluation
  • Multiple rules can be configured on your client; 3DS verification is performed if at least one criterion is met.
  • For example, if VOLUME is set to 3 and MIN_VALUE is set to R500, 3DS verification will be enforced on the user's third R100 payment despite the amount not exceeding the configured threshold.

3DS verification enforcement can also be specified via API for tokenized payments and overrides the configured rules. Contact Stitch to enable this feature on your client.

3D-Secure Enrolment

While all the South African banks support 3DS, you might interact with international cards issued by a banks that do not. In this scenario, the merchant should decide whether to allow or reject transactions on cards that are not enrolled for 3DS.

RejectCards that are not enrolled for 3DS are rejected.
AllowCards that are not enrolled for 3DS are allowed. This option takes precedent over the 3D-Secure enforcement options above.