Collection Files
In order to process collections, you will be required to upload collection files to
Stitch's SFTP server.
Stitch will validate the schema and data and send you a REPLY
file containing validation results.
Once validation is completed, Stitch will process your valid collections.
Once the processing is complete, Stitch will send you a final OUTPUT
file detailing the results of the
All valid collections will be processed. Should you have any validation errors, Stitch will send back a REPLY
with the collection items being processed and the failed collection items and their failure reasons.
You will be required to correct the issues and submit only the collection requests that had errors as a new batch (
the valid collections would have been previously processed).
If you submitted 10 collections and 3 failed validation, Stitch will notify you via the REPLY
file of
validation errors of the 3 collections that failed validation.
Stitch will process the 7 valid collections. You will only have to resubmit the 3 collections that failed validation as
a new batch, once you have rectified the issues.
In the case of no validation errors on submitted collections, you will receive a REPLY
file as an
acknowledgement containing all collection items being processed.
File Types and Validation
Collections involve 3 file types: Outgoing, Reply and Output. They will all be in CSV format and all files will have 4 record types. These can be seen below:
Record type | Description |
P | Product Header record detailing client ID, product information and file type |
H | Header record detailing overall information about the collection |
D | Data record that contains the collection request details. All other records are metadata |
T | Trailer record that houses summary information |
Outgoing Collection File
This is the CSV file containing all your collection requests. You are required to send this to Stitch to process your collections. The file structure is as follows:
Field | Record type | Description | Type | Example value |
CLIENT_ID | P | Client ID as issued during onboarding | UUID | 399a7ed1-0617-40f1-a9b7-d66f07b3a29d |
PRODUCT | P | Product that the file is for. In this case, it will always be COLLECTIONS | String | COLLECTIONS |
CHANNEL | P | Channel within a specific product that the file is for. This will always be DEBICHECK | String | DEBICHECK |
FILE_TYPE | P | Type of file indicating what contents should be expected. This will be COLLECTION | String | COLLECTION |
EXTERNAL_BATCH_REFERENCE required | H | Client specified reference to uniquely identify a collection batch. (Maximum permissible length: 4096 characters) | String | MY_REF |
SUBMISSION_DATETIME required | H | The datetime the collection was submitted. | ISO 8601 | 2023‐08‐31T12:11:20+07:00 |
NONCE required | D | A unique string per collection request. (Minimum permissible length: 8 characters. Maximum permissible length: 36 characters) | String | 14lji0cpjloigq |
CONTRACT_REFERENCE required | D | Contract reference for the authorised mandate as specified on the Payment Consent. | String | MY_CONTRACT_REF |
EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_REFERENCE required | D | Client specified reference to uniquely identify a collection. (Maximum permissible length: 4096 characters) | String | MY_COLL_01 |
CONSENT_ID required | D | The Payment Consent ID for the authorised mandate to collect against | String | bWFuZGF0ZS8zNjljY2RhMS1jZTQ0LTRiMmMtOThhMC05Mjk3ODNmYWY3NTU |
VALUE required | D | The amount to be collected | Decimal | 3000.00 |
COLLECTION_DATE required | D | The collection date in line with what was agreed on in the mandate. Where dateAdjustmentAllowed has been enabled, this date could be different | ISO 8601 | 2023-09-25 |
TRACKING_PERIOD | D | The number of days a collection needs to be tracked. Only required if, tracking was enabled at the time of mandate initiation. Value should be between 0 to 10 | Integer | 1 |
TOTAL_RECORDS required | T | Total number of collection items within the file | Integer | 25 |
TOTAL_VALUE required | T | The total value of all the collections | Decimal | 10000.00 |
TOTAL_TRACKING_RECORDS | T | Total number of collection items which have tracking enabled within the file | Integer | 1 |
TOTAL_TRACKING_VALUE | T | The total value of all the collections which have tracking enabled within the file | Decimal | 10000.00 |
Sample Incoming Collection File
is the Payment Consent ID returned by the Stitch API during Payment Consent creation.dateAdjustmentAllowed
is as per your client configuration as setup during onboarding. This indicates that the collection date can differ from what's on the mandate. :::
Reply File
file will inform you of validation results on your collection request and and will indicate which items within the collection batch were submitted, and which were not.
Once you have submitted a collection batch file, Stitch will perform two types of validation:
- Schema validation to ensure that the file schema is correct.
- Data validation to ensure that the data submitted is valid.
Here are the columns in the REPLY
file. The REPLY
file communicates the outcome of all of the entries within the submitted collection file, both successes and failures.
Field | Description | Type | Example value |
RECORD_TYPE | The type of record it is. Values can be P, H, D, or T | String | D |
LINE | Which line in the file this error pertains to | Integer | 4 |
CONSENT_ID | In the case of a data validation error, the consent ID for the collection line item | String | bWFuZGF0ZS8zNjljY2RhMS1jZTQ0LTRiMmMtOThhMC05Mjk3ODNmYWY3NTU= |
CONTRACT_REFERENCE | Contract reference for the authorised mandate as specified on the Payment Consent | String | MY_CONTRACT_REF |
VALIDATION_RESULT | The status result from the validation. Value can be SUCCESS and FAILED | String | FAILED |
STATUS_CODE | Indicates whether the collection was submitted or not. In the case that it wasn't, indicates why the collection was not submitted. In the case of failure, the code can be either SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED or DATA_VALIDATION_FAILED . | String | SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED |
STATUS_REASON | Provides detail information about the STATUS_CODE | String | HEADER_RECORD_REQUIRED |
Schema Validation
Schema validation will involve validating that the file that was sent to Stitch abides by the expected schema.
Failure would result in a SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED
error reason in the REPLY
file header and, where possible, the data records that failed schema validation. When a file fails schema
validation, no collections in that file will be processed.
The table below details possible values for STATUS_REASON
in the case of a failure, indicating which part of the schema failed validation:
Field | Rule | Status reason | Description |
Product Header records | Product Header record required | PRODUCT_HEADER_RECORD_REQUIRED | Product Header record required |
Product Header records | Number of header record fields | INVALID_PRODUCT_HEADER_RECORD | Incorrect number of product header record fields provided |
Product Header records | Validate the titles of the product header rows | INVALID_PRODUCT_HEADER_RECORD_TITLE | Incorrect product header titles provided |
Header records | Header record required | HEADER_RECORD_REQUIRED | Header record required |
Header records | Validate the titles of the header rows | INVALID_HEADER_RECORD_TITLE | Incorrect header titles provided |
Header records | Number of header record fields | INVALID_HEADER_RECORD | Incorrect number of header record fields provided |
Data records | Validate the titles of the detail rows | INVALID_DETAIL_RECORD_TITLE | Incorrect detail titles provided |
Data records | Number of detail record fields | INVALID_DETAIL_RECORD | Incorrect number of detail record fields provided |
Data records | At least one detail record required | DETAIL_RECORD_REQUIRED | Details record required |
Trailer records | Validate the titles of the trailer rows | INVALID_TRAILER_RECORD_TITLE | Incorrect trailer titles provided |
Trailer records | Trailer record required | TRAILER_RECORD_REQUIRED | Trailer record required |
Trailer records | Number of trailer record fields | INVALID_TRAILER_RECORD | Incorrect number of trailer record fields provided |
General | Incorrect record type specified in the record type field | INCORRECT_RECORD_TYPE | Incorrect record type specified. This may be due to an unexpected ordering of the provided record types. |
Example Invalid Reply File
Download sample REPLY file - Schema validation failure
Data Validation
Data validation is carried out on all "Data" (D
) record types within the file.
- Formatting rules are used to validate if the format or schema of the file adheres to the format rules.
- Data rules are used to validate whether the data of each item in the file adheres to the data rules.
A validation failure would result in a DATA_VALIDATION_FAILED
status code in the REPLY
header with each data validation status reason appearing alongside each collection row.
- If the product header record of a collection file fails data validation, the entire collection file will not be processed!
- If the header record of a collection file fails data validation, the entire collection file will not be processed!
- If the product header and header record of a collection file pass data validation, but the data records fail data validation, the header will be processed and the data records that pass data validation will be processed.
- The data records that fail data validation will be sent back for correction and resubmission in the
Formatting Rules
Field | Record type | Rule | Status reason | Description |
EXTERNAL_BATCH_REFERENCE | H | Batch reference required | BATCH_REFERENCE_REQUIRED | Missing batch reference |
SUBMISSION_DATETIME | H | ISO 8601 format for submission datetime | INVALID_SUBMISSION_DATE | Invalid submission date provided |
EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_REFERENCE | D | Collection reference required | INVALID_VALUE | Missing collection reference |
NONCE | D | Unique nonce required | INVALID_VALUE | Missing nonce |
CONSENT_ID | D | The payment consent ID string | INVALID_ID | Invalid ID provided |
CONTRACT_REFERENCE | D | Contract reference required | INVALID_VALUE | Missing contract reference |
COLLECTION_DATE | D | ISO 8601 format for date | INVALID_COLLECTION_DATE | Invalid date provided |
VALUE | D | Decimal format for value | INVALID_VALUE | Invalid value provided |
Data rules
Field | Rule | Status reason | Description |
CLIENT_ID | Client ID as provided during onboarding | INVALID_CLIENT_ID | Provided Client ID doesn't match expected Client ID |
PRODUCT | Always COLLECTIONS | INVALID_PRODUCT | Unexpected product provided |
FILE_TYPE | Always COLLECTION | INVALID_FILE_TYPE | Invalid file type provided |
CHANNEL | Always DEBICHECK | INVALID_CHANNEL | Invalid channel provided |
EXTERNAL_BATCH_REFERENCE | Batch references should be unique for batches that pass schema validation | DUPLICATE_BATCH_REFERENCE | A batch with this reference already exists |
CONTRACT_REFERENCE | Contract reference should correspond to an existing Payment Consent | INVALID_CONTRACT_REFERENCE | Contract reference does not match with an existing, GRANTED consent request |
SUBMISSION_DATETIME | Date must be current date | INVALID_SUBMISSION_DATE | Invalid submission date provided |
NONCE | Nonce should be unique per collection | INVALID_NONCE | Collection with this nonce already exists or has incorrect length |
CONSENT_ID | ID should match an authorised mandate | UNMATCHED_MANDATE | Invalid consent ID provided |
CONSENT_ID | ID should match an active mandate | INACTIVE_MANDATE | Invalid consent ID provided. Consent is in a status other than GRANTED |
COLLECTION_DATE | Date should match what's on the mandate | INVALID_COLLECTION_DATE | Invalid collection date provided |
COLLECTION_DATE | Date should be a date in the future (at least 3 days in the future) | INVALID_COLLECTION_DATE | Invalid collection date provided |
COLLECTION_DATE | Date should match the frequency and day as per mandate. | INVALID_COLLECTION_DATE | Invalid collection date provided |
COLLECTION_DATE | Only one collection attempt can be created per mandate cycle. | DUPLICATE_COLLECTION_ACTION_DATE | Collection with same collection date already exists |
VALUE | Value should match what's on the mandate | INVALID_VALUE | Invalid value provided |
TRACKING_PERIOD | Value should be between 0 to 10. | INVALID_TRACKING_PERIOD | Invalid tracking period provided. Tracking period should be between 0 and 10 day |
TRACKING_PERIOD | Only to be passed if tracking was enabled while mandate initiation. | UNABLE_TO_TRACK | Unable to track on this mandate |
TOTAL_RECORDS | Should be equal to the total count of the D records | MISMATCHED_TOTAL_RECORDS | Total records does not match total details records provided |
TOTAL_VALUE | Should be equal to the sum of the value of the D records | MISMATCHED_TOTAL_VALUE | Total value does not match the sum of the value of the details records provided |
TOTAL_TRACKING_VALUE | Should be equal to the sum of the value of the D records where tracking_period is provided | MISMATCHED_TOTAL_TRACKING_VALUE | Total tracking value does not match the sum of the value of the details records with tracking period > 0 provided |
TOTAL_TRACKING_RECORDS | Should be equal to the sum of the total count of the D records where tracking_period is provided | MISMATCHED_TOTAL_TRACKING_RECORDS | Total tracking records do not match the records with tracking period >0 provided |
Sample Reply File
Download sample REPLY file - Data validation failure for the product header Download sample REPLY file - Data validation failure for the header Download sample REPLY file - Data validation failure for the data and trailer
Collection Request Statuses
Below are the possible statuses that can be received in a REPLY
file when schema and data validation are successful. These are represented in the "Header" (H
) record:
Status | Record type | Status code | Description |
SUBMITTED | H | SUBMITTED | Collection batch has been submitted |
NOT_SUBMITTED | H | NOT_SUBMITTED | Collection batch has not been submitted due to schema or data validation errors |
Output File
file will be used to inform you of the collection results for all the valid collections that were submitted, as well as their associated settlement status. You will receive this file daily, and it will reflect any updates to collections that were processed during the day.
Field | Record type | Description | Type | Example value |
RECORD_TYPE | P,H,D,T | Denotes the record type. Either P,H,D or T | String | D |
CLIENT_ID | P | Client ID as issued during onboarding | UUID | 399a7ed1-0617-40f1-a9b7-d66f07b3a29d |
PRODUCT | P | Product that the file is for. In this case, it will always be COLLECTIONS | String | COLLECTIONS |
CHANNEL | P | Channel within a specific product that the file is for. This will always be DEBICHECK | String | DEBICHECK |
FILE_TYPE | P | Type of file indicating what contents should be expected. This will be either REPLY , OUTPUT , DISPUTE , SETTLEMENT | String | REPLY |
EXTERNAL_BATCH_REFERENCE | D | The client specified batch reference, as it was supplied in the original collection file. | String | MY_COLL_03 |
EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_REFERENCE | D | The original external collection reference for the collection, as supplied by you in the Incoming file | String | MY_COLL_03 |
CONSENT_ID | D | The Payment Consent ID | String | bWFuZGF0ZS8zNjljY2RhMS1jZTQ0LTRiMmMtOThhMC05Mjk3ODNmYWY3NTU |
CONTRACT_REFERENCE | D | Contract reference of the mandate | String | contractRefernce1 |
COLLECTION_ID | D | The unique ID for the collection | String | ZGUxZGM5NDItMGNkYS00ZDgzLTkxYzctMzY0N2MxODJlNGE5 |
COLLECTION_DATE | D | Date on which the funds were collected, in ISO 8601 format | ISO 8601 | 2023-09-25 |
VALUE | D | Collection value | Decimal | 653.04 |
COLLECTION_STATUS | D | The status of the collection from the debtor | String | FAILED |
COLLECTION_REASON | D | Reason for the associated failed collection status | String | Incorrect collection date |
SETTLEMENT_STATUS | D | The status of the settlement to the client | String | PENDING |
SETTLEMENT_REFERENCE | D | The reference for the settlement payment to the client (case-insensitive) | String | HJ24GNBZC |
TYPE | D | Indicates the type of DebiCheck. The value can either be RMS or DC | String | DC |
TOTAL_RECORDS | T | Total # of collection items within the file | Integer | 25 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_VALUE | T | Total value of the collections within the file | Decimal | 10000.00 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_SUCCESS_RECORDS | T | Total number of successful collections | Integer | 15 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_SUCCESS_VALUE | T | Total value of successful collections | Decimal | 7856.00 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_FAILED_RECORDS | T | Total number of failed collections | Integer | 10 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_FAILED_VALUE | T | Total value of failed collections | Decimal | 0.00 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_PENDING_RECORDS | T | Total number of collections in pending state | Integer | 2 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_PENDING_VALUE | T | Total value of collections in pending state | Decimal | 0.00 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_DISPUTED_RECORDS | T | Total number of disputed collections (Only in case of DISPUTE file) | Integer | 2 |
TOTAL_COLLECTION_DISPUTED_VALUE | T | Total value of disputed collections (Only in case of DISPUTE file) | Decimal | 100.00 |
Sample Output file
Download sample OUTPUT file - OUTPUT file type Download sample OUTPUT file - DISPUTE file type Download sample OUTPUT file - SETTLEMENT file type
files will be generated daily. They will include collections that were processed by the end of that specific day, as well as any collections whose settlement statuses have changed. An OUTPUT
file can reflect collection results across different collection batches.
Below are the possible collection reason codes that can be received in an OUTPUT
file per collection line item:
SUCCESS | D | PROCESSED | Collection was successful |
FAILED | D | PAYMENT_SUSPENDED | Payment stopped by account holder |
FAILED | D | INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | Insufficient funds in the debtors account |
FAILED | D | AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED | Mandate needs to be re-authenticated |
FAILED | D | BANK_ERROR | A system error occurred at the bank |
FAILED | D | BANK_PROCESSING_ERROR | Creditor bank unable to process due to problem |
FAILED | D | INACTIVE_ACCOUNT | Account frozen, account in liquidation, account closed, or account holder deceased |
FAILED | D | INVALID_ACCOUNT | Debits not allowed on this account, account not found, or debtor account number fails CDV routine |
FAILED | D | BENEFICIARY_BANK_PROCESSING_ERROR | Creditor bank unable to process due to problem |
FAILED | D | MANDATE_SUSPENDED | Mandate is suspended |
FAILED | D | INVALID_USER_REGISTRATION | User not correctly registered |
FAILED | D | DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION | Duplicate transaction identified, there is another transaction already in progress with this consent ID |
PENDING | D | PENDING | Collection has been submitted to partner bank for collection and will be actioned on collection date |
DISPUTED | D | DISPUTED | Collection has been disputed by the customer and has been refunded by the bank. Amount will be deducted from the settlement. |
Below are the possible settlement statuses that can be received in an OUTPUT
file per collection line item:
Status | Record type | Description |
PENDING | D | Settlement will be submitted to the bank after funds have been successfully collected from the debtor. No action required. |
SUCCESS | D | Settlement was successfully submitted, and confirmation has been received by the bank. |
File naming
These are files you send to Stitch.
In order to easily distinguish between different files, you will be required to follow the below naming conventions for any files you send to Stitch via SFTP.
You will be placing your files in the Collections folder.
The complete file name will be :
is alwaysCollections
is the current Datetime in ISO format excluding special characters and non-numeric characters, for example,202401011200560123
is an index generated by you to append to the end of the file name. This index ensures uniqueness across the files and should start at 0 and be incremented by 1 with each submission. There is no limit to the size of this index. No two indexes can be the same.
An example of this file name would be Collections/202401011200560123_1.csv
These are files you can expect to receive from Stitch.
You wil receive files with the following naming convention, in your Collections folder. The complete file name will be:
is alwaysCollections
is the current Datetime in ISO format without special characters i.e.202401021200560123
is the file type that you are receiving. This will be eitherREPLY
An example of this file name would be Collections/202401011200560123_OUTPUT.csv
- The
value corresponds with thePRODUCT
value provided within the file as a part of the Product Header - The
value corresponds with theFILE_TYPE
value provided within the file as a part of the Product Header
Your files must be placed in the Collections
folder. If your files aren't placed here, they will not be picked up.