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This section includes information around Stitch products and features that are now deprecated. Deprecated aspects of Stitch's plaform are no longer being supported or improved upon.

If you are currently using a deprecated Stitch product, please consider upgrading to one of our newer and equivalent offerings.

The payer field is a set of inputs supplied when creating an account linking request (also known as a payment authorization request). This allows us to collect more KYC (Know Your Customer) information that is used to increase the efficacy of fraud related checks.

The following table outlines the possible payer inputs:

payerIdA unique internal identifier/reference for the user. This value is expected to be stable and that it will ordinarily remain the same over the lifespan of a user doing business with the client platform.
nameThe full name of the user, including any known segments like initials, first name, middle name and surname. This is required by default.
payerCreatedDateThe date that the user account was created/registered with the client in the following format: yyyy-MM-dd platform.
phoneNumberA valid mobile number that can be used to verify the users contact detail and/or for communication with the user. In case the user is a business, this could be the mobile number of a designated/authorized contact person associated with the business.
emailA valid email address that can be used to verify the users contact detail and/or for communication with the user. In case the user is a business, this could be the email address of a designated/authorized contact person associated with the business.
identityNumberThe national identity document number of the user.
passportNumberThe national passport document number of the user.
businessRegistrationNumberThe business registration number of the user's business.
referenceThe reference that will appear on the payer's statement.

Providing payer information

During payment authorization

An example of a GraphQL mutation to create an account linking request (also known as a payment authorization request) with the appropriate payer inputs is shown below:

During payment initiation

Payer information can also be provided via the payerInformation field on the UserInitiatePayment mutation input. This is recommended to always be populated, using the most up-to-date user information on record, in case of any updates made to this following the initial payment authorization being created.

Payer Input Validation

Please note that:

  • The payer and the following inputs are required by default: name, reference.
  • All inputs, excluding reference, have client specific validation configuration.
  • The validation configuration is determined based on the client's specific needs and associated industry risk profiles.
  • High-risk clients may be configured to have more 'payer' inputs being required with stricter validation checks.
  • The fields payerId, name, payerCreatedDate, phoneNumber, email, identityNumber, passportNumber, and businessRegistrationNumber each support the configurable validation options mentioned below.
IsRequiredWhether the input is required or not
MinLengthThe minimum character length for the input (this only applies to string/text inputs)
MaxLengthThe maximum character length for the input (this only applies to string/text inputs)
PatternA regular expression pattern to be used to test validity of the input

Testing Payer Input

To test tis process your browser and run all the GraphQL examples in this guide prior to integrating with Stitch, you can use our sandbox and follow the LinkPay integration process guide for a more complete example. Learn more about the sandbox here.