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A user's account at a bank.

This type requires the following scope:


type BankAccount implements Node {
id: ID!
accountType: AccountType!
name: String!
availableBalance: Money
currentBalance: Money
accountHolder: AccountHolder
accountNumber: String!
accountNumber_PCI_UNSAFE: String
branchCode: String
bankId: BankId!
currency: CurrencyCode!
first: UInt
after: Cursor
filter: DebitOrderPaymentFilterInput
): DebitOrderPaymentConnection
first: UInt
after: Cursor
filter: DebiCheckMandateFilterInput
): DebiCheckMandateConnection
first: UInt
after: Cursor
filter: TransactionFilterInput
): TransactionConnection
first: UInt
after: Cursor
filter: BankAccountStatementFilterInput
): BankAccountStatementConnection
first: UInt
after: Cursor
filter: PendingTransactionFilterInput
): PendingTransactionConnection
user: User!
supportsPaymentInitiation: Boolean


id ● ID! non-null scalar

accountType ● AccountType! non-null enum

name ● String! non-null scalar

The name of this account. Note that this does not necessarily have semantic significance as many banks allow users to rename their accounts.

availableBalance ● Money scalar

How much money is actually available to spend, usually smaller than the currentBalance

This field requires the following scope:


currentBalance ● Money scalar

How much money is officially available before pending transactions have cleared. Usually larger than availableBalance

This field requires the following scope:


accountHolder ● AccountHolder union

The details of the entity that owns the account. This is nullable because we only expect this to exist for at least one of a users accounts, depending on the bank.

accountNumber ● String! non-null scalar

The account number as displayed in the bank portal. Note that for credit cards, the account number will usually be masked.

accountNumber_PCI_UNSAFE ● String scalar

The unmasked account number, if one is available, of a bank account.

Some banks mask the true account number for bank accounts. In cases where the bank does not mask account numbers, Stitch will mask those account numbers by default.

In the unlikely event that you find that you absolutely need an unmasked account number, you may query this field.

Querying this field puts you in scope for PCI DSS. Please see for more info.

Note that some banks mask account numbers, in those cases this field will still return the masked value.

This field requires the following scope:


branchCode ● String scalar

This field will preferentially use universal branch codes if a given bank supports it.

bankId ● BankId! non-null enum

currency ● CurrencyCode! non-null scalar

debitOrderPayments ● DebitOrderPaymentConnection object

DebitOrderPayments are ordered in reverse chronological order.

By default this field returns the bank's default number of visible debit order payments on a single page.

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

filter ● DebitOrderPaymentFilterInput input

debiCheckMandates ● DebiCheckMandateConnection object

first ● UInt scalar
after ● Cursor scalar
filter ● DebiCheckMandateFilterInput input

transactions ● TransactionConnection object

Transactions are ordered in reverse chronological order.

By default this field returns the bank's default number of visible transactions.

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

filter ● TransactionFilterInput input

statements ● BankAccountStatementConnection object

Returns a list of available bank statements

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

filter ● BankAccountStatementFilterInput input

pendingTransactions ● PendingTransactionConnection object

An approved transaction that has not been fully processed yet. Commonly, a Card transaction that has been approved, but the funds have not yet moved.

PendingTransactions are ordered in reverse chronological order.

By default this field returns the bank's default number of visible pending transactions.

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

filter ● PendingTransactionFilterInput input

user ● User! non-null object

The user attached to this account.

supportsPaymentInitiation ● Boolean scalar

Whether this account can make payments or not


Node interface

An abstract datatype that has a locally unique identifier, allowing a given node to be later queried by id using the node(id: ID!) query.