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A transfer of money from one account to another.

This type requires the following scope:


type Transaction implements Node {
id: ID!
amount: Money!
runningBalance: Money
description: String!
reference: String
categorySet: TransactionCategorySet = consumer
): TransactionCategorization @deprecated
first: UInt
categorySet: TransactionCategorySet = consumer
): [TransactionCategorization]! @deprecated
date: Date!
bankAccount: BankAccount!


id ● ID! non-null scalar

amount ● Money! non-null scalar

Positive values represent an inflow into the account. Conversely negative values represent money leaving the account.

runningBalance ● Money scalar

Remaining balance after this transaction is applied to the account

description ● String! non-null scalar

The description of the transaction as it appears in the user's statement

reference ● String scalar

The reference (if available) as it appears on the counterparty's statement

category ● TransactionCategorization deprecated object


No longer supported

The category of the transaction and its associated probability

categorySet ● TransactionCategorySet enum

categories ● [TransactionCategorization]! deprecated non-null object


No longer supported

A list of possible categorizations and their associated probabilities

first ● UInt scalar
categorySet ● TransactionCategorySet enum

date ● Date! non-null scalar

The date at which the transaction occurred. The granularity of the transaction date will largely be at the day level, however if a given bank has more accurate times available, this will be included in the transaction date.

bankAccount ● BankAccount! non-null object

The bank account in which the transaction occurred


Node interface

An abstract datatype that has a locally unique identifier, allowing a given node to be later queried by id using the node(id: ID!) query.