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type PaymentConsentRequest implements Node {
id: ID!
url: String!
status: PaymentConsentStatus!
nonce: String!
paymentMethodOptions: [PaymentConsentMethodOptions]!
method: PaymentConsentRequestMethod
consentDetails: PaymentConsentDetails


id ● ID! non-null scalar

url ● String! non-null scalar

status ● PaymentConsentStatus! non-null union

nonce ● String! non-null scalar

paymentMethodOptions ● [PaymentConsentMethodOptions]! non-null union

method ● PaymentConsentRequestMethod enum

NOTE: nullable as long as we're in the "PENDING" state

consentDetails ● PaymentConsentDetails union


Node interface

An abstract datatype that has a locally unique identifier, allowing a given node to be later queried by id using the node(id: ID!) query.