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The root of any queries that require a user token.

type User implements Node {
id: ID!
filter: BankAccountFilterInput
): [BankAccount!]!
filter: SalaryFilterInput
): SalaryConnection
filter: IncomeFilterInput
): IncomeConnection
paymentAuthorization: PaymentAuthorization
filter: ScopeFilterInput
): [Scope!]!


id ● ID! non-null scalar

bankAccounts ● [BankAccount!]! non-null object

Returns the set of bank accounts that this token is authorized to access.

This field returns all authorized accounts

filter ● BankAccountFilterInput input

salaries ● SalaryConnection object

A collection of different salaries the user may be earning.

Note: The initial version of this field uses a naive algorithm to determine salary values and only supports workers who have a single source of income (i.e. if they're working two jobs, the two sources of income may not be clearly grouped)

filter ● SalaryFilterInput input

income ● IncomeConnection object

Income is the set of transactions that increase a user's balance, excluding transactions such as inter-account transfers, and other spurious transactions. To further refine the transactions that are considered income, you may use our filtering syntax

filter ● IncomeFilterInput input

paymentAuthorization ● PaymentAuthorization object

scopes ● [Scope!]! non-null enum

List of scopes granted by the user to this token

filter ● ScopeFilterInput input


Node interface

An abstract datatype that has a locally unique identifier, allowing a given node to be later queried by id using the node(id: ID!) query.