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Data available to requests that have client tokens. Implements the Relay GraphQL Server Specification.

type Client implements Node {
id: ID!
clientId: String!
bankAccounts: [ClientBankAccount!]!
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: BatchNodeFilterInput
): BatchConnection!
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: PaymentInitiationRequestFilterInput
): PaymentInitiationRequestConnection!
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: PaymentInitiationFilterInput
): PaymentInitiationConnection!
input: BankAccountVerificationInput!
): VerifiedBankAccountDetails!
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: DirectDepositFilterInput
): DirectDepositConnection!
directorId: IdentifyingDocumentInput!
country: CountryCode!
): [BusinessLookup!]!
businessName: String!
country: CountryCode!
): BusinessLookup
input: BusinessRegistrationInput!
): BusinessLookup
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: RefundFilterInput
): RefundConnection!
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: DisbursementFilterInput
): DisbursementConnection!
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: SettlementFilterInput
): SettlementConnection!
subscriptions: ClientSubscriptionDetails
webhookLogin: WebhookLoginResponse
filter: [String!]
): [Endpoint]
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: CardFilterInput
): CardConnection!
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: WalletRefundTransactionFilterInput
): WalletRefundTransactionConnection!
first: UInt
last: UInt
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
filter: WalletTransactionNodeFilterInput
): WalletTransactionConnection!


id ● ID! non-null scalar

clientId ● String! non-null scalar

bankAccounts ● [ClientBankAccount!]! non-null object

Returns a list of accounts that are configured on the client.

batches ● BatchConnection! non-null object

Returns a list of batches ordered in reverse chronological order.

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

last ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return for backwards pagination

before ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The previous page of results will start before this cursor

filter ● BatchNodeFilterInput input

paymentInitiationRequests ● PaymentInitiationRequestConnection! non-null object

Payment requests are ordered in reverse chronological order.

The first parameter can be used to set the number of payment requests to return, up to a maximum of 2000 payment requests.

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

last ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return for backwards pagination

before ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The previous page of results will start before this cursor

filter ● PaymentInitiationRequestFilterInput input

paymentInitiations ● PaymentInitiationConnection! non-null object

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

last ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return for backwards pagination

before ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The previous page of results will start before this cursor

filter ● PaymentInitiationFilterInput input

verifyBankAccountDetails ● VerifiedBankAccountDetails! non-null object

This field requires the following scope:


input ● BankAccountVerificationInput! non-null input

directDeposits ● DirectDepositConnection! non-null object

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

last ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return for backwards pagination

before ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The previous page of results will start before this cursor

filter ● DirectDepositFilterInput input

businessesByDirectorId ● [BusinessLookup!]! non-null object

A list of business names and registration numbers for a given identity or passport number of a director. If using a test client, querying with a South African identity "1234567890" will return an example response.

This field requires the following scope:


directorId ● IdentifyingDocumentInput! non-null input

The identity or passport number of a director of the business.

country ● CountryCode! non-null scalar

The country where the business is registered.

businessByName ● BusinessLookup object

An array of businesses that match the name provided.

This field requires the following scope:


businessName ● String! non-null scalar

The case-insensitive name of the business. If using a test client, the name 'Fizz Buzz' will return an example response.

country ● CountryCode! non-null scalar

The country where the business is registered.

businessByRegistrationNumber ● BusinessLookup object

Returns a business for a given registration number, or null if no business with that registration number is found. If using a test client, the registration number 'K1234567890' or '1234/567890/07' will return an example response.

This field requires the following scope:


input ● BusinessRegistrationInput! non-null input

refunds ● RefundConnection! non-null object

This field requires the following scope:


first ● UInt scalar
last ● UInt scalar
before ● Cursor scalar
after ● Cursor scalar
filter ● RefundFilterInput input

disbursements ● DisbursementConnection! non-null object

This field requires the following scope:


first ● UInt scalar
last ● UInt scalar
before ● Cursor scalar
after ● Cursor scalar
filter ● DisbursementFilterInput input

settlements ● SettlementConnection! non-null object

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

last ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return for backwards pagination

before ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The previous page of results will start before this cursor

filter ● SettlementFilterInput input

subscriptions ● ClientSubscriptionDetails object

This field requires the following scope:


webhookLogin ● WebhookLoginResponse object

webhookEndpoints ● [Endpoint] list object

filter ● [String!] list scalar

cards ● CardConnection! non-null object

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

last ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return for backwards pagination

before ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The previous page of results will start before this cursor

filter ● CardFilterInput input

walletRefundTransactions ● WalletRefundTransactionConnection! non-null object

This field requires the following scope:


first ● UInt scalar
last ● UInt scalar
before ● Cursor scalar
after ● Cursor scalar
filter ● WalletRefundTransactionFilterInput input

walletTransactions ● WalletTransactionConnection! non-null object

first ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return

last ● UInt scalar

Specifies the maximum number of results to return for backwards pagination

before ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The next page of results will start after this cursor

after ● Cursor scalar

Takes in the paging cursor. The previous page of results will start before this cursor

filter ● WalletTransactionNodeFilterInput input


Node interface

An abstract datatype that has a locally unique identifier, allowing a given node to be later queried by id using the node(id: ID!) query.